Present Simple и Present Progressive (Continuous) -сегашно просто и сегашно продължително време

При изучаването на английски език първите две глаголни времена, с които учениците се запознават, са Present Simple Tense (Сегашно Просто Време) и Present Progressive (Continuous) Tense (Сегашно Продължително Време). В курса на те се изучават в нивото, в което аз преподавам – Fast Start 2. Когато ги разглеждаме по отделно и правим упражненията към съответния урок, курсистите ми нямат никакви проблеми и бързо се справят с поставените им задачи. В момента обаче, в който трябва сами да решат кое от двете глаголни времена да използват и как да формулират изреченията си, те често се обърктат и в повечето случаи сливат двете времена. Затова прилагам едно примерно сравнение на двете глагални времена, с което да е по-лесно да се разграничават и да се използват правилно.


Present Progressive (Continuous) Tense

Present Simple Tense



When we talk about something which is happening at the time of speaking (now, at the moment)Examples:Pamela is sleeping in the bedroom now.

The telephone is ringing at the moment.

They are doing their homework now.

When we talk about something which is happening at present, but not necessarily at the moment of speaking

I’m reading an interesting book.

Tom is looking for a new job.

We are studying English and Spanish.

When we talk about temporary actions taking place only for a period of time (today, this week, this semester, this year)

My husband is working hard today.

They are spending this week in Paris.

She is teaching English this semester.

When we talk about things that happen repeatedly or habitually, permanent or long-lasting situations
I go to school every day.They get up at 6 o’clock every morning.She lives in London.

When we talk about people or things in general


Nurses work in clinics and hospitals.
Cars run with fuel.

A dog barks.

to indicate eternal  truths, facts, rules and scientific laws

The sun rises in the east.
Water freezes at 0°C.

The Earth goes around the Sun.



Affirmative formsSubject + TO BE + Verb + INGExamples:

I am going to work now.

You are studying English.

He is playing football today.

She is looking good this evening.

Negative forms
Subject + TO BE + NOT + Verb + ING


I’m not going to work now.

You are not (aren’t) studying English.

He is not (isn’t) playing football today.

She is not (isn’t) looking good this evening.

Question forms – inversion

TO BE + Subject + Verb + ING


Am I going to work now?

Are you studying English?

Is he playing football today?

Is she looking good this evening?

Short answers

Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.

Yes, you are. / No, you aren’t.

Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t.

Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t.

Affirmative forms
Subject + Verb in infinitive formEXCEPTION: 3rd person/singularSubject + Verb + S/ES

I go to work every day.

You study English at school.

He playS football after school.

She lookS good all the time.

Negative forms

Subject + DO + NOT + Verb in infinitive

EXCEPTION: 3rd person/singular

Subject + DOES + NOT + Verb in infinitive

I do not (don’t) go to work every day.

You do not (don’t) study English at school.

He does not (doesn’t) play football after school.

She does not (doesn’t) look good all the time.

Question forms – inversion

DO + Subject + Verb in infinitive

EXCEPTION: 3rd person/singular

DOES + Subject + Verb in infinitive


Do I go to work every day?

Do you study English at school?

Does he play football after school?

Does she look good all the time?

Short answers

Yes, I do. / No, I don’t

Yes, you do. / No, you don’t.

Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t.

Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t.

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4 коментара към “Present Simple и Present Progressive (Continuous) -сегашно просто и сегашно продължително време”

  1. Ако имаме някъкво изречение как да разбера в кое време да го превърна Present Progressive (Continuous) Tense или Present Simple Tense


    Благодаря, предварително за информацията.

    1. Няма как да се разбере освен ако го пише в условието. Може и в двата варианта да се направи, ако питаме някой какво яде в момента се използва Present Progressive, ако питаме по принцип – Present Simple.

      Teacher Tsvety

  2. някой може ли да ми каже отговорите на тази задача In your notebooks put the verbs in the correct tense present simple present continuous past simple or past continuous
    0 while my parents…………………………. (watch) tv,I came back home
    1 Helen………………….(look) at some old photos at 10 am yesterday.
    2 It’ s Sam’ s birthday.Sam and his friends…………………(have) a party.
    3 Mum……………….(speak) three foregin languages.
    4 I……………………..(write) a postcard to my parents two days ago.
    5 Dad………………………..(not know) how to use a computer last year.

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